steps to start pipe smoking .

Imagine how it feels , sitting up with couple of friends on terrace at mid-night.Listening the score of legendary Jamaican singer BOB MARLEY's "No Woman , No cry". Black wooden pipe sliding out of your mouth engrossed with English blended tobacco.What more... . Boy oh boy pipe smoking can be fun.

So lets get started.

1.The most important thing is the good pipe. The pipe should be of reasonably good quality. Neither too expensive nor too cheap. As with expensive one you never know you gonna continue this passion or not and with cheaper you may not experience the real taste. The best pipe in the initial stage to look for is wooden one. As tobacco after hitting the wood will give you a good nice aroma. As wood amalgamate itself with tobacco easily.

2.Good quality of tobacco. Many flavors are readily available. Check out for the tobacco that can easily blend with the pipe's wood. English blend can be preferred for the first time.

3.Packing the tobacco in pipe is one of the tedious task. Cover the bowl of the pipe to the full.Try to fill until it reaches the brim of the bowl. Make sure that stem of the pipe is free from any blockage , as later on you may regret for this. Don't try to cram too much of tobacco as it may result in less supply of air while smoking .

4. Lighting up pipe is easy , just put a light on the top . Try and take small puff for 10-15 secs. Make sure you don't have to exert too much of pressure while inhaling,this process should be smooth. Wait till flame reaches the bottom of tobacco and your job is done. Keep on refilling the pipe as required .
