
I Was just thinking of writing something and galvanizing my thoughts .

I came up with this weird title MArket(@)value. (note MA is intentionally kept in caps so as to keep its market value above  @)
Many a time in life each one of us sometime or other goes with the reality check and then try to personifies himself with term market value.( most of the time labeled  by peers ) 
earlier this term is used with the commodity (any commodity )  but as the time is changing  and we the human's becoming  paranoid  about  everything around us so  we decided to calculate our market value (treating human being as the commodity) .
Lets first take real commodity whose market value can actually be determined . For example take a laptop . Now when deciding the commodity price of a laptop there comes two very important factors namely a) real part b ) cosmetic part .
real part accounts for the configuration , robustness , durability , (and other n number of things which you can think of)
Cosmetic part accounts for color , looks , x-fctr, sleek, eye -catching factor and brand name . 

so the laptop having the best market value must have both the qualities embodied in it.

is this  true for human beings also ? I wonder and am quiet skeptical about it or rather you can say indifferent about this.( you must be thinking if this person is indifferent about this then why the hell is he writing this shit )
Moving ahead ( as i cannot control my thoughts) in my opinion  humans do have market value but the formula for calculation involves more than 2 facors(real and cosmetic) . we do lay our emphasis on these factors and over and above more to the cosmetic part but on the foundation of real one. The third and most important thing in the empirical formula for calculating the market value of humans is REFRIENECTION , may be you must not have heard of this term before ( i have just cooked  it,Friends+Connections with the spice of REAL) Hope now you have understood the meaning of this . Elaborating further on this variable , REFRIENECTION is having connection with the real friends . Higher  the value of this variable,  more will be your market value . Important to note is that the REAL plays an important part in this  . Real means real ( other words are too mean to define real ). This value is subjective . For most of the lucky people  on earth this value can land between 2-4( this means you can have at the most 2-4 real friends and if you suppose that your number is higher ,then you are in illusion and you need to go for reality check ) . Even for the Hush puppies creator Mr. Gladwell ( One of the greatest socialist of his time in Italy's fashion world)  his value for this variable was 3 i.e. at the time of crisis he was able to get himself connected with only 3 of his real friends.There are many more instances in history whom you can look up to for this . 

I am in no mood to discourage the number of followers one has on social networking sites but all i can make out that its very difficult to find and to be connected with your real friends during the crest and trough of life .

i dedicate this term (REFRIENECTION ) to all those who took time to read this post . Hoping some day this word may find its  place in oxford dictionary below refrigeration .